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How to Brew

The noble art of brewing a tisane is of supreme importance. To honor the aesthetic tranquility of one’s self-care ritual and to fully draw out the essence, vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and aromatic volatile oils that offer cell-rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, and beautifying properties, we recommend a longer steeping time than that which is typically experienced in western herbalism.

¼ tsp. of herbs to 1 cup of water.


  • Place ¼ tsp. serving of herbs into a saucepan
  • Pour 1 cup fresh spring water over herbs
  • Cover the saucepan
  • Heat the water and herbs over a low flame
  • Do not boil, simmer for 45-60 minutes
  • Strain, discard the herbs, and enjoy


    • Bring 1 cup fresh spring water to a boil
    • Remove from heat, set aside 1 minute
    • Pour hot water over ¼ tsp. serving of herbs
    • Steep covered for 45-60 minutes or overnight
    • Strain, discard the herbs, and enjoy
          Tea needs a master hand to bring out its noblest qualities
          • Best temperature for herbal tea is ~ 80°C/176°F
          • Covering herbs, while brewing, holds in delicate plant oils that contain healing compounds
          • When decocting, we recommend a stainless steel saucepan on the lowest simmer setting without boiling. Copper pots and earthenware are also recommended. Aluminum and non-stick cookware should never be used because these are coated metals that are easily absorbed into the body despite what the marketing tells you.
          • To ensure a gradual assimilation into deeper cellular tissues^, it is best to follow our moderate dosage recommendations to maintain good health. Feel free to adjust up as needed for therapeutic purposes.
          • Consume no more than 3-4 cups of tisane in a 24-hour period.
          • Limit consumption of alcohol while ingesting herbal products.
          • A lot of thought has been put into our compound herbal formulas.
            • It is why we spend more than thirty days bio-dynamically syncing each batch to its highest frequencies, why our specific method strengthens the synergistic effects of our potentized herbal blends to bring vitality to those who appreciate the fine art of nature.
            • In everything we do, we are maniacal about the details and therefore we do not recommend making “ice tea”, microwaving the tea, or adding sweeteners; yes, even natural sweeteners such as stevia, monk fruit, etc.
            • Allow the therapeutic effects of the medicinal tisanes to work and please enjoy responsibly.


          • Limit consumption of alcohol
          • Limit consumption of mucous-forming foods
          • Incorporate more colorful plant food sources into your diet
          • Stay hydrated